NEW Oil Tank Removal

Oil Tank Removal Worcester County Only

If you have recently switched to Natural Gas, you need to (by law) have your old oil tank removed within one year.  This is due to left over contaminants in your oil tank.  You may as we get this done sooner than later.  It will free up extra space for you.  And oil tanks never look pretty.  If it has been there awhile, it’s probably rusted and just unattractive.  Superior Waste in Worcester, Massachusetts can remove your oil tank and dispose of it properly.

To Schedule Call 508-797-4848

Our Services

  • Removing and disposing of your tank while meeting all state and local codes.
  • Securing tank removal permit when applicable.
  • No mess.  No hassle.  No issues.
  • Job can usually be completed in under 2 hours.

Cost: $500.00. If Town/City permit is required, please add to cost.*

*Add $4/Gallon for oil